Sunday, December 14, 2014

Grasslands' Perception and Temperature

Comparing the Annual Precipitation and
Temperature of different biomes

The Temperate Grasslands are in between a desert and a forest. This biome is very close to being a desert, and some become deserts if they do not get enough rain, however, Temperate Grasslands receive just slightly more rain than deserts receive.

The grasses have not all disappeared yet, but are continually growing smaller because of a few reasons. There are seasonal drought, grazing of large herbivores, and occasional fires. All of these factors make sure that large plants or trees are not able to grow, keeping grasses dominant in this biome. In this type of grassland, the winters are very cold, the summer are hot and dry. Also, the annual precipitation is sparse and falls irregular during the year. 


In the Temperate Grassland biome, they have about 10-30 inches of rain per year, usually during the spring and fall. Temperate Grasslands have enough rainfall to grow some small plants but not enough or often enough that there is enough water for trees to grow.

Temperate Grasslands have cold winters as low as -40°F and also hot summers with the temperatures sometimes reaching over 100°F. 
Climographs used to see the perception and temperature
This one is of different grasslands around the world

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