Sunday, December 14, 2014

Do you even know where and what they are?

Temperate Grasslands around the world (Light Brown)
First of all, where are temperate grasslands in the world? In order to protect Temperate Grasslands you need to know where they are. Grasslands one of the most important biomes in the world. They are made up of fairly flat land which is mostly covered by grasses and non-woody (herbaceous) plants. Temperate Grasslands span the globe at about 40-60 degrees north of the equator. Usually they are in the center of a content and in-between forests and deserts. Temperate Grasslands are even in the United States and cover a large part of it. 

Humans have been using the Temperate Grasslands for agriculture for hundreds or thousands of years, all over the world. The land is mostly used to grow annual grass or better know as cereal grasses and they are a main contributor to the food production The steppes has rich soil full of organic matter and is very deep so it is perfect for growing crops. In contrast the United States has poorer soil making the farmer have to add fertilizers to the soil in order to grow an abundance of crops. Even with some areas of the temperate grasslands with slightly poor soil, they are still called the world's breadbasket because of the such high production of wheat and maze. In the grasslands, there is also livestock like cattle and sheep that feed on the grasses. 

Temperate Grasslands
However, that area that the grasslands once covered is now shrinking. During the 1920's dustbowl in the Untied States, there was much over cropping and drought. This combination lead to the soil being blown away, destroying the grassland. In addition, the Temperature Grasslands are heavy used by farmers for their animals, but the continual overgrazing has lead to the temperate grasslands being reduced to deserts or semideserts. 

Also grasslands are not only called grasslands, they are tall-grass prairies and short-grass prairies in North America, steppes in Central Europe and Asia, pampas in South America and veldt in Africa. 

A more detailed map of the Temperate Grasslands around the world.

1 comment:

  1. Your background for grassland conservation is a picture of a cropfield? Also, there are many more prairies (and savannas) throughout other parts of the U.S. that are not represented on the map.
